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Looking Down, Petrichor and Oysters

7 Juli 17:00 - 23:30


One can look up, look to the front, to the left and to the right. In times of nonlinearity it seems that everything comes at once from all the different directions at the same time. This evening we’d like to invite our guest to look down.

For a while now Arash and Mischa have been sending each other pictures of things they’ve encountered when looking down. This downward view offers a world of scratch cards with no win, cigarette buds, empty cans, a range of all types of objects which have all been used. This universe offers its pony packs, tiny stars, flat maracujas, papers with little raspberries, tigers, asphalt scars, suitcases, large ice cubes, used up glow sticks without any glow, Escobar, forgotten love, rainbow colored oil stains. These given situations all led up to be  the foundation of this evening. The universe of  the below, which is carried by an almost endless array of pavement. In all sorts and shapes, but with a common factor. The artist’s tickling senses. When the rain falls down the ozone is released from its surface and finds its way to our noses. It’s the scent of Petrichor. Taking us back to playing with marbles on a hot summer evening on the side of the street. When experiences are seen as pearls in one’s life. These street gems are the pearls of the pavement. There will be oysters for dinner, as well as a vegetarian dish. 

And if you feel like looking up or around, there will be music, drinks & performances

Hope to see you, 

Arash & Mischa