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january glow

19 Januari 17:00 - 23:30

kunst, muziek, samen komen

Ticketprijs: Gratis

Thomas Swinkels & Mischa Doorenweerd are writing to you:

Join us to make dinner from 17:00 onwards. On the menu is Pici Casio e Pepe & salad (€5,-)

Be the fireplace to gather around

In a lifetime you will heat, cooldown and reheat very often. When smiling you warm yourself and a glow will form inside you. Blowing the coals to warm the centre. Likewise when glowing an inner smile will form too. Like when gucci collaborated with the north face. The smile and the glow. 

On this evening, together, let’s attempt to radiate this glow. In these cold, dark days of January. So we don’t need to fly somewhere to the sun this winter. Have a look around, walk for a while and think; ‘what makes me glow?’ Is it D’angelo’s second album? Sungazing? Bouillabaise? When the primeminister kissed a woman behind the curtain of the schoolplay? Watching peacefull fountains of desire? 

Comforted by the notion that the sun is always somewhere we warmly invite you, being the radiant beings you are, to come and glow together on coming january 19th. 

Praise cosiness, tranquilidad, food and move into the light. Blow your coals!

* Please bring blankets and pillows! ❤️‍🔥